Courses for Faculties, Departments and Institutes
Department of History |
Ungarisch I (FS25) |
Ungarisch II |
Ungarisch III |
Department of Languages and Literatures |
Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Schreibpraxis |
Graduate Center (GRACE) |
Increase Your Wordpower – English Rhetoric and Presentation |
Writing to Be Published – Academic Writing Conventions and Style |
Writing Attractive CVs and Cover Letters |
Writing for Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (only in FS) |
Video abstracts |
PhD Program Health Sciences (PPHS) |
Meet to write |
Graduate School of Psychology |
Writing Workshop for the Graduate School of Psychology (GSP) |
Near and Middle Eastern Studies |
Arabisch I intensive week (HS 2024) |
Arabisch I (only in HS) |
Arabisch II (only in FS) |
Arabisch III (only in HS) |
Türkisch I (only in FS) |
Türkisch II (only in HS) |
Türkisch III (only in FS) |
Türkisch I intensive week (only in FS) |
Slavisches Seminar |
Polnisch I |
Polnisch II |
Polnisch III (FS25) |
Russisch-Intensivkurs für Studienanfänger*innen (only in HS) |
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Scientific Writing (only FS) |
Ukrainian Research in Switzerland (URIS) |
Ukrainisch I für Einsteiger*innen |
Ukrainisch II (FS25) |
Ukrainisch III |
Ukrainisch fortgeschritten (FS25) |
Zentrum für Jüdische Studien |
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) I (only HS) |
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) II (only FS) |
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) III (only HS) |
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) IV (only FS) |