Courses for Faculties, Departments and Institutes

Department of History
Ungarisch I (FS25)
Ungarisch II
Ungarisch III
Department of Languages and Literatures
Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Schreibpraxis
Graduate Center (GRACE)
Increase Your Wordpower – English Rhetoric and Presentation
Writing to Be Published – Academic Writing Conventions and Style
Writing Attractive CVs and Cover Letters
Writing for Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (only in FS)
Video abstracts
PhD Program Health Sciences (PPHS)
Meet to write
Near and Middle Eastern Studies
Arabisch I intensive week  (HS 2024)
Arabisch I (only in HS)
Arabisch II (only in FS)
Arabisch III (only in HS)
Türkisch I (only in FS)
Türkisch II (only in HS)
Türkisch III (only in FS)
Türkisch I intensive week (only in FS)
Slavisches Seminar
Polnisch I
Polnisch II
Polnisch III (FS25)
Russisch-Intensivkurs für Studienanfänger*innen (only in HS)
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Scientific Writing (only FS)
Ukrainian Research in Switzerland (URIS)
Ukrainisch I für Einsteiger*innen
Ukrainisch II (FS25)
Ukrainisch III
Ukrainisch fortgeschritten (FS25)
Zentrum für Jüdische Studien
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) I (only HS)
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) II (only FS)
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) III (only HS)
Modernes Hebräisch (Ivrit) IV (only FS)