Italian course program overview

You can find the current scheduled courses here.

Intensive courses

CourseLevelCourse materialContent
Italienisch: A1 intensiv*A1UniversItalia A1/A2Chapter 1-4    


Semester courses

CourseLevelCourse materialContent
Italienisch: A1A1UniversItalia A1/A2 Chapter 1-4
Italienisch: A2A2UniversItalia A1/A2Chapter 5-8
Italienisch: B1.1B1.1UniversItalia B1/B2Chapter 1-4
Italienisch: B1.2B1.2UniversItalia B1/B2Chapter 5-6
Italienisch: B2.1B2.1UniversItalia B1/B2Chapter 7-8
Italienisch: B2.2B2.2Script 
ComunichiAmo! Lingua, cultura, attualità*B2-C1ScriptThe contents of at least the B2.1 course must be known.
Laboratorio italiano B1-B2⁺: migliorare e rafforzare la lingua*B1-B2+ScriptThe contents of at least the B1.2 course must be known.
Italienisch: Konversationstraining A2 A2ScriptThe contents of at least the A2 course must be known.
Italiano per la medicina*B1ScriptThe contents of at least the B1.2 must be known.

* offered only once a year